Relationship Coaching
Workshops & Training for Disability Organizations
Relationships & Boundaries Groups, Dating Workshops, Emotional Wellness Groups, Sexuality Education, and On-Going Support and Skills Groups are available to disability organizations and schools. These trainings can be adapted for either virtual or in-person settings. Please contact me for fees and scheduling.
Group Offerings
Dating Workshop for People with Disabilities
A 6-week series. Topics include: Having a Crush… Starting a Relationship… Dating Basics… Healthy Physical and Emotional Boundaries… The 5 Love Languages…Evaluating a Relationship… Dealing with a Break-up.
Group Information
Participants ages 16+
5-12 participants per group
Weekly sessions last approximately 45 minutes
5 or 6 sessions depending on previous group participation
Email me for details on future groups: michele@nolimitscounseling.org
Relationship & Boundaries Group
The Circles Curriculum is a nationally recognized life skills curriculum, that utilizes a video-modeling teaching method. This program has been proven effective with individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities of all ages. It teaches participants how to recognize social boundaries and how to avoid exploitation, by explaining levels of intimacy between people and the way they TOUCH, TALK TO, TRUST each other.
Group Information
Participants ages 13+
5-12 participants per group
Weekly sessions last approximately 45 minutes
8 sessions
Email me for details on future groups: michele@nolimitscounseling.org
Sexuality Education for People with Disabilities
Easy to understand curriculum specifically developed for individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities. Visual aids and videos that were developed for people with disabilities by people with disabilities are used to reinforce lessons. Topics include: Anatomy… Puberty and Body Changes… Gender… Sexual Intercourse… Reproduction… and much more!
Group Information
Participants ages 16+
5-12 participants per group
Weekly sessions last approximately 45 minutes
4-8 sessions depending on requested topics
Email me for details on future groups: michele@nolimitscounseling.org
Coaching for Couples with I/DD
If you are currently in a relationship and would like to schedule sessions to focus on improving your relationship or have questions about taking your relationship to the next level, reach out today!
Ready to Get Started?
If you’re interested in learning more about Life Skills Training, please send me a message by clicking on the button below. I’ll reach out to you as soon as possible!